Ever since the mid-1940s, our factory in Fagerhult has been producing luminaires to brighten people’s lives. In that time – nearly 75 years – technologies and trends have come and gone. New materials, tools and innovations have brought the company to where we are today, one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of high-quality luminaires. At Fagerhult, we have closed a chapter of our history, putting traditional light bulbs to rest. Our light source production is 100% LED. Another step towards more sustainable and energy-efficient luminaire use.
Where it all began
Fagerhult’s LED journey began in 2003. At that time, we used them as emergency lighting in our luminaires. Two key issues determined how and when Fagerhult was to implement LED. Back then, the technology was considerably more expensive and not yet efficient enough compared to existing T5 fluorescent lamps. We also saw how others were using LED technology in a manner that was unacceptable to us, as it went against one of our core values, lighting comfort.
However, the technology developed rapidly and we’ve been offering LED luminaires as general lighting since 2009. At Fagerhult, we soon realised that investments were needed. Not only in expertise in this new technology, but also in equipment and in-house production capabilities.
“Many new – and at the time ‘unknown’ – LED suppliers popped up; suppliers whose knowledge of lighting technology was lacking. We had to try to get them to understand our needs,” says Kenneth Rudenbrandt, Technical Product Manager. “Having stood on the sidelines following development, we realised that LED technology was here to stay. That’s when we appointed a technical manager at Fagerhult, who through study visits, trade fairs and seminars gathered information on what others were doing and planning. This then provided a basis for further efforts in our LED technology development work.”