Applications with Tunable-white

Where do we apply solutions with colour temperature control? The simple answer is actually any room with limited access to daylight or rooms with variable and specific lighting requirements. Here are some areas where we think it may be appropriate from a biological perspective but there are more examples, especially in health care.

Better light in the conference room

Conference rooms are often located in the middle of the building without access to daylight. It is an area where the colour temperature control can be used in several ways. A cooler light when more active tasks are being performed, or a warmer light when we need to focus. A common issue when using video conferences is that camera is unable to handle the light levels as well as the human eye, so we are perceived as looking more sickly. With a Tuneable White solution, we can adapt the light level so that the faces of the participants are rendered as realistically as possible, helping to facilitate the communication process. In this application, Pleiad Wallwashers are sued to vary the light on the walls to get exactly the right light for every task.


All light on me- the auditorium

Education or full-day conference? As well as having scenes with different lighting levels, it is advisable to also control the colour temperature. By using a timing control the colour of the light provides the participants with an idea of the time of day. Alternatively, we can use the colour temperature to create different scenes. Refreshing high levels of cold light for activity or warmer dimmed light for focus and concentration. The light on the presenting area is controlled separately depending on what activities are going on there.


Activity or rest in the pause room

In breakout rooms the benefits of colour temperature control are in their element, transforming how you can use the space. A pause in the cold light revitalises us while a warmer light calms us down. In this example we have chosen recessed Pozzo. The large, wide beam distribution creates a light-well effect, giving an impression of natural light, further optimised with a varying colour temperature which imitates the evolution of daylight throughout the day.

Because the ones who pauses also want control a simple panel on the wall can be used to define a specific light setting.

Welcoming in the entrance or waiting room

In the entrance or the waiting room light is controlled with a router solution to imitate daylight, both in intensity and colour. This can be especially important if there is no natural daylight reaching in the room. This solution provides a sense of having access to daylight, even if the room is located in the middle of the building where there is limited access to the real thing. Pozzo creates a feeling of natural light wells, reinforced by adding light on the walls with Pleiad Wallwasher G3.

Personal light in the cellular office

A cellular office is the easiest room to apply a Tuneable White solution as there is only one user who controls the light according to his or her preferences. Think of a cold, intense light when you want to activate yourself or a warm dimmed light for conversations, reading and tasks which require concentration. Using a suspended direct/indirect Combilume, supplemented with Pleiad Wallwasher G3, provides the ambient and task light requirements, with the colour temperature and intensity controlled via a simple panel on the wall.


Dynamic in the open plan office

Open plan offices cannot be controlled to reflect each individual's personal preferences since the room is lit for a group of people. Here we recommend a router solution that varies the light over time and adjusts the colour temperature mimicking the light outdoors. In the ceiling we have Multilume Flat and, to strengthen the sense of a natural daylight, the walls are lit using Pleiad Wallwasher G3.
