Lataa tiedostoja


Lataa tästä hintalista 2024



More 3D-files can be found on each product page.

MagiCad (external link)

BIMobject (external link)



Fagerhult plugin for DIALux

How do I auto-update the DIALux database?

Life Cycle Cost (LCC)


Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
in accordance with ISO 14025

Here are the EPDs currently available for download.
You find simpler environmental declarations on our product pages.

AllFive (600 mm)

AllFive (1200 mm)

AllFive (1500 mm)

Cirrus G2


Dwide Pendant

Dwide Recessed

Evolume 75

Evolume 1

Induflex (1200 mm)

Induflex (1500 mm)


Multilume Re:Think

Multilume Slim

Notor 36 Pendant/Ceiling

Notor 36 Recessed

Notor 36 Track

Notor 65 

Pleiad G4 (125, 165, 205)

Pleiad G4 128 Surface mounted

Pleiad G4 128 Surface mounted


Streamer Mini

Touch Mini G2


Instruction for use can be found on each product page.

e-Sense Customised Stand-alone

e-Sense Detect

e-Sense Detect DALI

e-Sense Detect On/off

e-Sense Flex

e-Sense Stage

Organic Response – User manual Lite

Organic Response – Portal manual Lite

RGBW Airglow QuickGuide




Tästä löytyvät tällä hetkellä ladattavissa olevat esitteet.

Organic Response 

Tuoteuutuudet kevät 2020

   Vivita Verda

 Vialume – Visuaalista näkömukavuutta kaikkiin projekteihin

 Itza - Kestää aikaa

 Multilume Hydro LED - Puhdasta estetiikkaa

Tuoteuutuudet syksy (2019)

HCL - Human Centric Lighting (2019)


 Lepo LED

 PoleLITE ja Keen - Monien mahdollisuuksin valonheittimet

 Valoisampia ympäristöja - Valaistusratkaisuja ihmisiä varten

 Lunova - Valoa liikkuville ihmisille


Disassembly instruction (LED)

Maintenance instructions (LED)

Maintenance and disassembly instructions (T5)


Declaration of conformity

Recessed mounted luminaire with Organic Response


Poistuneet tuotteet

e-Sense Connect (2019-11-01)

e-Sense Tune user manual (2021-06-01)

e-Sense Tune configuration manual (2021-06-01)

e-Sense Motion - configuration manual (2022-09-22)

e-Sense Motion - system (2022-09-22)

e-Sense Motion - dongle (2022-09-22)

e-Sense Move – User manual (2023-03-01)

e-Sense Active (2025-04-01)