ReLight your old luminaires.
Reuse your older luminaires. We give them new technology and a new life.
We meet the future with reuse
Together we can take a big step forward to more circular solutions. As one of the largest lighting manufacturers on the market, we have long been at the forefront of new solutions and new technologies. Under the name ReLight, formerly Re:Furbish, we offer the opportunity to upgrade the legacy technology in your luminaires – and extend their life cycle.
Ready for ReLight - Notor and DTI
Do you have older Notor or DTI luminaires that need a new light source? For these there are standard kits ready to be ordered for your next project.
¿Se pueden reutilizar sus luminarias?
¿Tiene una luminaria que deba actualizarse a led pero que no esté entre los kits estándar completos? Póngase en contacto con nosotros para comprobar si podemos crear una nueva solución y prolongar su vida útil.
Looking back to move forward
Everything goes in circles. Materials, habits, and bright ideas. As we are now taking a new step forward to more sustainable solutions and reuse, it is natural to look back as well. To a time when resources were used in sparingly, and to the autumn evening when 23-year-old Bertil Svensson, our founder, saw the possibilities in materials and details – and created what would become Fagerhult’s very first luminaire. »Lampen« (Swedish accent for "the Lamp") has followed us through the decades, and the idea of utilising existing materials and conserving resources continues to permeate our workday.
Reutilización de sus luminarias Fagerhult
… y de otras marcas
Cada proyecto ReLight se basa en una idea básica clara. Las características, la eficiencia energética y el confort lumínico de la luminaria deben cumplir los mismos altos estándares de calidad, seguridad y durabilidad que una luminaria nueva. Esto es así tanto si se trata de una luminaria ReLight de Fagerhult como de otra marca. Medimos la eficiencia de la nueva luminaria y le volvemos a marcarla CE.
Si desea saber si las luminarias de su proyecto se pueden reutilizar, acuda a su persona de contacto de Fagerhult.
Reuse without compromise
Refurbishing an existing luminaire provides the same high quality and good light comfort as a new one – with increased durability and the possibility of lower costs down the line. Many ReLight projects stem from the phase-out of fluorescent lamps – so everywhere from offices to larger facilities. No matter your project, we will help you progress towards more circular solutions.
It’s the inside – and outside! – that counts
Each luminaire is unique and often carefully selected to fit into just the right environment. When it is time to replace the fluorescent lamps with LEDs, we are happy to investigate the possibility of extending the working life of your luminaires – no matter if they are from Fagerhult or another brand.
Four steps to relight
Reused opportunities
Each project is based on your existing luminaires, and we carry out a thorough assessment to develop a new solution, called a ReLight kit. If you want to know if your project’s luminaires can be reused, contact us and we will help you.
Un ciclo de vida más largo
El hecho de que una luminaria pueda reutilizarse depende de su diseño, las propiedades de los materiales y las posibilidades de una buena comodidad de la luz y el marcado CE.
Reutilización de la más alta calidad
Para llevar el proyecto más allá, debemos asegurarnos de que el resultado final alcance el mismo nivel que una luminaria nueva. Para este paso, necesitamos dos unidades físicas de su luminaria. Antes de continuar, presentamos nuestra propuesta, que incluye planos y una luminaria de prueba, junto con un presupuesto para que lo considere.
Easy installation
When the ReLight kit is delivered, it is ready to be installed in the existing luminaire housing. Detailed documentation is provided for each project, along with clear instructions for dismantling and installation. All kits have snap-in connectors. The installation must be performed by a certified installer.
CE marking and 5-year warranty
We always give quality and safety the highest priority, regardless of whether it is a new or reused luminaire. Each new solution is tested, and all luminaires are CE marked. ReLight kits always have a five-year warranty.
¿Quieres revisar tu solución de iluminación?
¿Necesitas modernizar, reemplazar o reconstruir tu solución de iluminación existente, o simplemente deseas saber un poco más sobre cómo funciona un proyecto Re: Furbish? No dudes en ponerte en contacto con tu oficina de ventas local para que te orienten e informen. ¡Estamos deseando conocer tu proyecto!