A safe feeling

Light creates a feeling of safety and security

Security is an experience, a feeling. Populated, transparent places that are beautifully designed feel safer to stay in. And when night falls, it is up to the lighting to make sure that the feeling is preserved.

Light creates a positive, social control, which also has a crime prevention effect. Lighting is obviously no guarantee that no crime is committed, but it makes a big difference! Five different UK studies have shown that improved lighting can decrease crime by 29 percent. (National Crime Prevention Council report 2007:28).

Another factor that is very important for security is that the place is well maintained. Fresh outdoor environments without vandalism enhances the feeling of safety. With luminaires that can withstand external attack, you can make sure that the lighting always fulfills its function, both practically and aesthetically. 

Road safety

Road safety is one of the most important security aspects of the local environment, and the lighting plays an important part. In residential areas we walk, use our bikes, skateboards and segways or travel by car. The roads must be illuminated to address the needs of various modes of transport. New research has suggested that a whiter light, such as LED, can contribute to shorter reaction time and increase the driver's peripheral vision.

Attractive areas

Good lighting is one of the most effective ways to make an area attractive. The lighting adds to the experience of a safe and secure place. By planning the lighting carefully and create inviting "rooms within the room" we can also highlight different places of interest and create a vibrant city.